Piecing Me Together Book Summary
piecing me together book summary

Like the universe was telling me that in order for me to make something of this life, I’d have to leave home, my neighborhood, my friends. (Chapter 2, Page 2) Early in the novel, Watson establishes that Jade’s primary motivation in life is to escape her social class.Longer chapters covering plot events create an interesting rhythm. Jade, the main character identifies as female, African American.What really binds them all, and one of the themes Doerr explores, is the timeless nature and necessity of storytelling.

Timely and timeless, Piecing Me Together is a book about the ways young people deal with the hardships and heartbreak of everyday living while remaining whole and true to themselves.Passages from “Cloud Cuckoo Land,” which we later learn were translated by one of the novel’s characters, break up the individual characters’ stories. But piecing together the plot of the manuscript is not the point. The novel within the novel serves another purpose. It’s the story that gives all the characters the freedom to dream.The novel comprises 76 chapters, each of which is given a bilingual title in English and Spanish.

piecing me together book summary

She's tired of being singled out as someone who needs help, someone people want to fix. Just because her mentor is black and graduated from the same high school doesn't mean she understands where Jade is coming from. But some opportunities she doesn't really welcome, like an invitation to join Women to Women, a mentorship program for "at-risk" girls. And Jade has: every day she rides the bus away from her friends and to the private school where she feels like an outsider, but where she has plenty of opportunities. Her mother tells her to take advantage of every opportunity that comes her way.

piecing me together book summary